How to convert international plans into local profits
For one of the top 10 volume brands importers, MSR was asked to translate the global vision into a strategy for the local market for B2B sales. The keypoints were the strategy formation aswell as the content and guidance during the process.
Our approach
- Translation vision to ambition
- MSR guided several workshops were we discussed the governance structure, required recources and processes
- MSR sets the strategy and blueprint, the targets are set jointly
- The roadmap and milestones are then prepared by MSR and continuously monitored
- After these first steps the implementation begins
- Market research
- Market analysis (MSR database)
- Vision and strategy note
- Businessplan
- Strategic workshops
- Best strategic fit through use of the expertise of MSR on B2B
- Concrete strategic plan
- Realistic plan, which makes it implementable
- Increase of marketshare with 30% in two years